Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Appointments

Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Appointments

What can I expect about my treatment ?


I offer a FREE 30 minute consultations in advance of your treatment to briefly discuss what type of look you would like to achieve, colour, position and shape.

A patch test will also be carried either at the consultation or at a specified time before your treatment to ensure you’re not allergic or sensitive to the pigment. Patch testing is mandatory and I cannot carry out a treatment without.

Consultations and patch testing can be done on the same day.

On the day of your treatment

Subject to zero reaction to the pigment and anaesthetic and that you are medically suitable for permanent make up, a local anaesthetic cream would be applied to the skin to numb it. Once numb the treatment area will be drawn to reflect the shape that will be tattooed.

A sterile single-use needle would be inserted underneath the upper layers of skin to deposit pigment. The pigment is usually iron oxide, which is least likely to cause allergic reactions and bleeding.

Each time the needle is inserted, pigment is released into the tiny hole created. Most clients feel a scratching sensation and some slight stinging on the 1st pass but after a top up of numbing cream very little after than point.

To ensure your safety at all times, I only use needles & high quality pigments from reputable suppliers who are guaranteed to manufacturer under sterile conditions.

The actual procedure takes about one hour, however you should allow 2- 3 hours depending on the type of treatment and to allow for numbing and drawing the shape.

A free Perfecting Booster treatment will be required four to six weeks apart for the initial treatment followed by some “maintenance” , “refresh” or “top-up” treatment between 12 – 18 months for permanent make up and 9 – 12 months for microblading, which will cost extra.

Does it hurt ?

Sensation varies from person to person. The skin is pre-numbed with a suitable use local anaesthetic. Having permanent or a cosmetic tattoo is not as painful as having a regular tattoo. Some people have described the sensation as similar to having their eyebrows plucked or threaded.

Numbness – Each individual is different according to the skin type. Some clients have reported that the area is totally numb while others say they experience some discomfort.

Can you be allergic to Permanent Make up?

Yes, and whilst it is rare this is why we patch to ensure that you are not allergic to our products. It is important to note that even a zero reaction to a patch test does not necessarily mean that you may not have an allergic reaction during treatment (known as a delayed reaction).

Allergic reaction can occur from any anaesthetics used during the procedure. If you do suffer from an allergic reaction you should contact your doctor immediately. Allergic reaction response may display redness, itching, swelling, a rash, blistering, dryness or any other symptom associated with allergy.

Why have permanent make up?

Everyone wants to look the best they can naturally. Permanent make up provides the convenience of make up without time consuming make up, smudging & mess. So you can enjoy perfectly shaped eyebrows, wide-awake defined eyes and beautifully contoured lips.

Perfect for that natural subtle, soft and perfectly in place look so you have the confidence of knowing that you look your best 24/7 whether you are out and about, attending a gym class or sitting around the pool on holiday.

Who is permanent make up suitable for?

Permanent make up is a form of cosmetic tattoo and is suitable for both women and men of all ages. Most people are suitable for some form of permanent makeup.

The results look so natural and it’s the perfect solution for many clients looking for:

    • Perfect make up 24 hours a day.
    • To give fullness & definition to sparse eyebrows or lashes.
    • Clients with alopecia.
    • Contact lenses or glasses wearers.
    • Allergy, hay fever or watery eyes.
    • Clients with sensitive skin.
    • Busy & active lifestyles.
    • Loss of definition due to ageing.
    • Poorly defined or unsymmetrical features.

A FREE face to face consultation provides the opportunity to discuss your requirements and understand your needs and which technique is best suited to you.

Who is permanent make up not suitable for?

Before you consider permanent make up:

    • Are you pregnant/breastfeeding?
    • Do you have pre-existing Permanent Make Up that has been done elsewhere by another make up technician?
    • Do you suffer from cold sores?

If any of these apply to you please mention this at the time of booking or prior to booking your appointment as you could be contraindicated or we may need to discuss options available to you to prepare for your treatment.

Please also be aware that I will not carry out work that I feel is inappropriate or work with clients whose expectations I feel I cannot manage. We both need to be comfortable with each other which is why I recommend a separate FREE 30 mins consultation so you have time to meet me, discuss in person any questions and concerns and so you have time to think over and absorb the information I provide.

Please note that permanent make up is not an exact science as skin varies from person to person and can often be temperamental. For example some skins will not retain the crispness of a hair stroke whilst other skins may require more retouches than others.

What about Long Term Care ?

Look after your investment and this will ensure you keep costs down. Permanent Make-up can last for several years but this is dependent on several factors including skin type, sun exposure and lifestyle. Whilst it is ‘low maintenance’ it is not ‘no maintenance’. A bit like hair colour it will need refreshing but far less often.

Here are my tips for getting the most out of your permanent make up:

    • Use a good sunscreen. Sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics.
    • If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI scan or other medical procedure, please inform your doctor or therapist of your permanent cosmetics.
    • Please inform the National Blood Service if you donate blood, as you may not be eligible to give blood for a year post procedure.
    • Maintain your cosmetic tattoo with a regular maintenance. Some colours change over time and with exposure to sunlight etc… Lisa recommends a colour refresher maintenance treatment every twelve to eighteen months to maintain perfect results.

How long does permanent make up generally last ?

Unlike conventional tattoos, the pigment used in cosmetic tattooing will fade over time however there will always be some degree of pigment remaining in the skin which often can only be seen under a microscope. This is because some pigment colours fade at different speed and why a top up is recommended at the following intervals to preserve your investment.

Microblading 9 – 12 months.

Permanent make up (digital machine) 12 – 18 months.

How does cosmetic tattooing work?

The tattooing process causes a controlled damage to the epidermis and dermis. Every time the needle penetrates, it causes a wound that alerts the body immune system. Pigment gets soaked up by skin cells and remain suspended in the dermis.



Is permanent make up safe?

Yes, absolutely.

The pigments used in permanent make up are very different to traditional tattoos. The pigments used in both microblading and permanent make up are made of natural minerals that are safe, non-toxic and hypoallergenic. A good technician will only high quality pigments and needles that they can trust.

It is also notable that eye procedures are often recommended by ophthalmologists for patients that are sensitive to conventional cosmetics.

What about Health and Safety ?

In the same way as medical equipment, permanent cosmetic equipment is designed to guard against cross contamination. The equipment used in the treatment is of the highest quality and technologically advanced for peace of mind that I operate to the highest of standards.

Only the best medical grade pigment colours are used on clients. The Dermace & Cosmedic pigment colour range is so advanced that it meets all the clients needs:

    • Maximum colour retention.
    • Intense colour saturation.
    • Reduced touch up.
    • Highest quality.
    • 100% safe.
    • Manufactured under the most stringent EC regulations.
    • Certified under EN 46001 (European medical standard) governing production quality.

What about aftercare ?

I provide all post care products and aftercare advice to take away with you. My treatment price includes the cost of these products so you don’t need to source products after your treatment. This ensures that you are using the correct products that are natural and do not contain any ingredients that may be detrimental to the healing results of your treatment or will irritate your skin. It is important to follow this aftercare to ensure the best results. Generally the aftercare needs to be followed for up to 2 weeks to ensure that the skin heals without drying out.

You should expect the area to feel itchy and/or sometimes slightly dry whilst it is healing. This is perfectly natural and you should not “speed up” the process of healing by rubbing, scratching, itching or picking. If you have picked I will know!

Initially, the colour may appear very intense and the day of the appointment. You can expect to lose 40 – 60% of the colour after the 1st treatment and it takes about four weeks for the colour to evolve its permanent shade. This is perfectly natural and why you will have a “Perfecting Booster” treatment 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment.

The surrounding area may be red and a little swollen immediately after treatment and (depending on the procedure) for a few days afterwards. There may be a few spots of blood and lymph (clear fluid) on the first day. You will be told how to manage this so that the skin heals with a minimal crust and this will ensure that the correct level of pigment is retained in the skin and so that you hardly notice the healing process.


General Aftercare do’s and don’ts

    • NO chlorinated water (such as swimming pools & hot tubs).
    • NO Gym/exercise/ sweating post treatment for 48 hours post treatment.
    • NO UV exposure (sunlight) until it has fully healed.
    • NO direct jets from the shower or soaking in the bath for too long (this may remove the pigment & increases the risk of infection).
    • NO Skin peels or extreme resurfacing/exfoliation whilst healing.


It can take about 4 weeks to fully heal after which time you’d be able to carry out your usual routine and use beauty products.

If in doubt – please ask !

5 Steps to beautiful permanent make up


1. Give me a call

If you are thinking of having permanent cosmetics please call me on to discuss your requirements and answer any of your questions. There are lots of things to consider and I can explain this to you so you can decide if the treatment is for you and so you can plan your treatment around your diary.

You can also contact me via the form on the contacts page. Alternatively, you can also request me to call back by email or text.

Please note that when in treatment room I am unable to answer the phone but will make contact as soon as I am able to but normally within 24hrs.

You can either book a Consultation & Procedure on the same day or you can book a separate or Consultation Appointment at my Portsmouth Permanent Make up Clinic.

Please note that a £50 deposit is requested to secure your appointment (redeemable on procedure).

I can send a patch test kit to check your compatibility with my pigments and numbing cream together with a confirmation letter by post or provide to you in person if attending a consultation.

On the day of procedure a full consultation will determine your suitability for the procedure.

Consultation Duration: Allow 30-60 minutes.


2. Consultation

Consultations are thorough and informative, answering any questions or concerns you may have. I will require you to complete a medical form to ensure your suitability for the procedure as well as a procedure consent form. We will discuss what you would like to achieve with permanent cosmetics and from there we will decide on a realistic choice that is right for you and your expectations.

The consultation covers:

  • Assessing the best procedure and colour for you to complement your skin, hair and eye colour.
  • Mapping your treatment area to enhance your facial symmetry

Using an understanding of face shape and facial features we will create a new look that is unique for you. This is drawn onto your skin to allow you to visually see how the permanent cosmetic makeup will look and ensures the result is exactly what you are looking for. When you are satisfied with the design this will be used as the template for your procedure.

We do not start the treatment until you are entirely satisfied with the design of your procedure.


3. Procedure

However, if you have not booked the procedure to follow the consultation please remember to book for my next available clinic date.

The treatment includes the following steps:

  1. Before procedure photography – This is for my records and so clients can view their before and enhanced look photos.
  2. Anaesthetic cream – An anaesthetic numbing cream is applied to the procedure area to ensure your maximum comfort.
  3. Procedure carried out – The selected pigments are implanted into the skin using tiny needles using with the latest state of the art computerised equipment.
  4. Post- procedure photography – This is for my records and so clients can view their before and enhanced look photos.
  5. Aftercare advice

Procedure Duration: 2.5 -hours from start to completion. Some procedures may take longer to perform. I will advise you at point of booking.


4. Follow the Aftercare

It is very important that aftercare is followed so I will always supply aftercare products alongside verbal instruction followed up by an email or printed aftercare leaflet to ensure you take care of the treated areas for the next 7 days.

Should you wish to ask any questions or have any concerns during the healing period and before your perfecting booster appointment I am available during working hours to answer any questions you may have


5. Payment and book your free perfecting booster

I accept all major credit/debit cards and cash. Regrettably I do not accept cheques.

Don’t forget to book your FREE perfecting top-up between 4-6 weeks post procedure.


Perfecting Booster Appointments.

As everyone heals differently so this appointment allows for me to check how your make up has healed, boost your colour and perfect and tweak and final adjustments to your shape to ensure your permanent cosmetic enhancement is complete.

Allow 1-2 hours.


Annual Top Up or refresh procedure.

This is not the same as the perfecting booster on your initial treatment.

Preparation and Aftercare

Permanent make is an art and results don’t just come from the artist and their work. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in the body and it is as complex and unique as each and every one of us?

There are many factors that can impact results which is why clients are advised ensure that that prepare for their treatment as guided in the pre-treatment advice and follow all aftercare as guided by the permanent makeup artist. I provide all aftercare products to ensure that you are using the only the best products that I know is kind on your skin and aids good pigment retention.

Get in Touch

5 + 11 =

Contact Information


Pure Offices, Room 4,

One Port Way, Port Solent,

Portsmouth, Hants, PO6 4TY

Phone & Email

07718 453269

Clinic Hours

M - F : 9 am – 6 pm

Sat : 10 am – 4  pm

Sun : Closed